After having a nice break from work, Im back again. Its strange how it feels like I was never away, the only consolation is getting to see my friends and catching up on the latest gossip! Unfortunatley I have not been extremley productive with my art work but my brain has been working overtime with thoughts and ideas so it's not all bad news.
Here are some images I have been working on with photos of my family and wallpaper that I found from one of my many trips around the various junk and charity shops that I love to frequent. There are a few more photos that I want to include of my mum and dad and then I will start working onto something new as I have a tendency to continue working for ages on the same idea without any real progress and this is a habit I really need to break as it stops me coming up with new and fresh ideas. I have alrady started some new work in fabric that im hoping to include in the jewellery shop exhibition, so hopefully I will put some photos of that up in my next blog .x.
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